Friday 17 February 2012

The Other Face Of Robert Mugabe
His Excellency Robert Gabriel Mugabe (
It has been globally accepted that the regime of the President is "iron fisted". This ideology has been mainly reinforced by the so called local private media and even the international media that continue bombarding people with sensationalised political stories. This piece doesn’t discard that truth do exist in those stories.
However, after putting the journalistic lens of objectivity and balance there is a lot that the international community has to be aware concerning Mugabe. His image in the global community has been blurred not just because he is a failure but the comrades insulating him are “lost” in corruption and has pressurised him to assume irrelevant decisions.

Mugabe has been painted undemocratic, seldom the media zoom in his other face.

He empowered black people through
  • land reform programme
  • indegenization
Ideally, black empowerment is the greatest achievement however,  its implementation is ambiguous.

Moral conservation –He has often lambasted the universalization of the moral panic syndrome that has already engulfed Western  countries . He is impermeating the constitutionalization of homosexuality and bestiality. By realizing the African traditional values and morals and “killing” the western influence – International community has took a massive ride on this and labelled him an extremist. We do realize that to some extent  human rights have been violated( Gukurahundi) but this doesn’t disqualify him in the “holy book”.

He has been labelled “undemocratic”. I beg to differ to some stance. The local private media is myopia of the fact that democracy is in two classes;

1)Representative democracy                                                                                                                  2)Direct democracy

Direct democracy is not feasible. All the countries globally are perambulating within the parameters of representative democracy . The difference is on the level of democracy in the representative democracy

NB (The blogger is not a ZANU PF sympathiser rather a rational “armchair” critique).



  1. "pressured into making decisions" thats were l have a problem.He is the president of Zimbabwe for crying out loud!he should make decisions soberly and not allow pressure to make silly decisions that affect the country as a whole.By now he should know that the stupid decisions he makes under pressure are the ones that have lead to sanctions. no wonder why he is still in the black list for sunctions

  2. I really like your non-partisan approach to this issue. I too, am an independent individual who believes that credit should be given were its due, and when it comes to wrong doing, a spade should be called a spade regardless of the person in question. Frankly, no one is an angel and as citisens we should not expect others to be agels sorely because of their political positions. I would however like to urge our leaders to try the best they could to do good.

    1. wether partisan or non partisan DEMOCRACY should be fought for, A FREE AND FAIR ZIMBABWE is what we all want
