Sunday 12 February 2012

Zim Politics Thwarts Development

Development of underdevelopment in Zimbabwe is largely attributed to the rugged political terrain. The need to  maintain political dominance and vibrancy has forced the government to engage on the military investment at the expense of the public plight.

Reflecting on the 2008 era which was characterised by harmonised elections, violence,hyper-inflation and hunger, the government 'piped' some funds to the military which could have been used to improve people's welfare. Weapons were imported from China via South Africa. A number of African countries have been mainly criticised for investing in the military ignoring the people's fundamental rights. Egypt is one the classic examples.

Underdevelopment in Zimbabwe is also caused by the extreme link that exists between politicts and the economics.Economic development of the country is determined by the nature of the politics. In an environment like this development is seldom. Considering the political environment of Libyia, its economiy was vibrant despite the unstableness in the country.

Minister of finance once lambasted the kind of relationship that exists between the politics and the economic. He highlighted that any shake in the politics direct and immediatetly affects the economy.

''We have not de-linked our politics from the economy so much that when the politics sneezes,the economy does not only catch a cold but goes straight into intensive care'' . He concurred.

In October 2009 MDC-T threatened to pull out of the Government of the National Unity(GNU) ,Zim Stock Exchange bencmark fell by 15 percent in a week. Mining index fell by 22 percent , market capitalization lost  11 percent of its value. (Newsday 19/01/2012)  


  1. The country continues to be highly ranked in terms economic and political risk and a bureaucratic and cumbersome system of doing business which is thwarting foreign direct investment which however the nation is in dire need of to revive Zimbabwe ailing economy. Actualization of investment project continues to be hampered by this political uncertainty.Our challenge as a country is that we have a leadership which is failing to differentiate dire developmental needs in the country and settling political scores. Everything is done just for political papacy, and if the country is to go anywhere we desperately need leadership reform. (GAMMA)

  2. I think you make very valuable observations. I particularly like the Minister's quote. I however feel that to try and seperate politics from economics is futile and tedious. These two are intertwined and are inseperable even if you look anywhere in the world. One directly affects the other and vice versa.

  3. The political situation of a counrty and its economy should develop or atleast one of the two should be developing and boosting the other.However in Zimbabwe both the economical situation and the political situation are in a sorry state
