Saturday 14 April 2012

Attack Journalism order of the day in Zim
Zimbabwean kind of Journalism seems to be swaying from the track. Reporters are no longer independent, objective, true and even balanced.

Adverse political environment has even polarised the media terrain where the media is no longer serving the public but political parties. This is evident on the nature of reporting mainly between state media and the independent media.
State media seems to be pro ZANU PF whereas the independent media is pro MDC-T. The fact that the media has aligned itself to politics has lost professional journalistic manner of reporting which is fashioned by fairness, truth and objectivity.

Recently, independent media has been selling its paper on the streets with the headlines “Mugabe on a death bed”. However, the president has arrived home still being “Gushungo”. People deserve to know the truth.
Media as a fourth estate monitors the power bloc on behalf of the public. The public puts its trust upon the media. However, in relation to this kind of a story the public is likely to be a victim of the law. People can talk about such matters publicly which then might lead to their criminalisation regarding that freedom of speech and expression is only in black and white.

On the other hand the state media also seems to be biting the Prime minister. This was observed when Prime minister immersed himself in love affairs complications. The state media was sensationalising and romanticising the issue. The real reliable kind of journalism is vanishing. The media are no longer objective but rather attacking and biting people.


1 comment:

  1. maybe we should blame the internet,if it was not for the internet providing such oppotunities,this would not have happened
