Wednesday 11 April 2012

Courtesy of President Robert Mugabe
He is Alive and Well

The international media has embarked on disseminating fabricated information as highlighted by Webster Shamu pertaining the state of health of the President Robert Mugabe.

There are wide spread reports that President Robert Mugabe is battling for his life in Singapore. The state security minister Sydney Sekeramayi has castigated the rumours indicating that the President is alive and health. Instead the President went to Singapore for medical check-up only (Newsday 11/04/2012).  

Some of the independent papers have been good in blowing the stories out of proportion which the President is at centre of the storm. Sometime last month (March) and early April this year the renowned and reliable Prophet of God TB Joshua told the world that one of the African leaders was to be a victim of sudden death due to illness. The Prophet never mentioned the name of the leader. However, the international and some of the independent papers implicated President Robert Mugabe.

People are being criminalised of physically killing people. However, the international media in particular has killed and buried President Robert Mugabe. This reflects that media in the age is no longer objective but is rather thriving on attack kind of a journalism.
From the nature of reporting, the international media wishes that President Mugabe be on the receiving end. The international community can impose sanctions and cripple our economy but it cannot put a stamp on the life of His Excellency as God is in charge of everything.   


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