Saturday 14 April 2012

Daily News under spot light
Aggressive, shameless lady rocked the Daily News offices yesterday in the name of ZANU PF and President (Daily News 14 April 2012).

Woman identified by the name Sweswe, “intruded” into Daily news offices after deceiving the security that she has a scoop that she has to deliver to the reporters. Upon arrival to the newsroom she unleashed violence, shouting to the reporters, insulting everyone in the area.

She claimed to be closely linked to the “White House” and even to some  ZANU PF ministers whom she implicated are at the centre of the chaos. She accused the paper of negatively reporting about the President’s alleged illness and selling the country and promoting the gay rights.
Nature of threats revealed
·         Bombing the company
·         Beating the journalists in front of their wives
·         Killing the journalists
·         Banning of the paper
·         Mbare “mafia” to unleash terror to the company
·         Acting on behalf of the President and even some prominent ministers
·         “Exclusively”  terrorise Chris Goko and Wonai Masvingise

 The shameless lady went on to undress herself and urinate in the newsroom in the midst of man. The funny party is that she is accusing the paper for supporting homosexuality of which her behaviour is profoundly “un African”. Such behaviour is unleashed by people whose morals have decayed.
The disturbing issue is that the lady is threating the paper in the name of ZANU PF and the respected President Mugabe. Even if she has been “sent” by the party and the President but her conduct in the newsroom has lowered President status and left the party subject to various connotations. Person from the state house has to legimitise everything not to be "bushy" in conduct.

Even though the staffers claim to be brave and will continue telling the truth like it is, however, such intimidations are uncalled for as they grossly violate the freedom of disseminating, receiving and imparting information.

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