Friday 23 March 2012

Picture courtesy of Newsday

Arrests likely to Cost MDC
Some of the MDC –T members have been the victims of arbitrary arrests in relation to the bombings of ZANU-PF offices in Gweru (Newsday/23/2012).  Police heavily descended on Abisha Nyanguwo, the MDC chief staff yesterday in connection with the bombings of ZANU PF offices which happened some time in December last year. Police exercised their authority to an extent of impounding Isuzu car of Nyanguwo after a thorough search of his house.

Three members of the MDC-T party were also arrested early this year in connection with the bombings of the ZANU PF offices.

Nyanguwo was being suspected to have been hiding weapons. The arrests are likely to tarnish the image of the party. Public trust and faith on MDC is likely to fade away considering the arrests of its key members. The arrests portray the party as a party that is corrupt, dominated of incompetent selfish members.

The most critical issue for one to take note of is that the arrests are happening at a time when the President is calling for the elections. This is likely to demotivate some of the members , even the local and global the party will be portrayed as a party that lacks transparency and accountability.

1 comment:

  1. the best time to tarnish a parties image is just before elections.Zanu PF just had to find some stain to pin on MDC.
