Saturday 3 March 2012

Zambian President Michael Sata (google images)

African Re-colonisation Inevitable

Western countries specifically USA and Britain seem to be setting the tone and the agenda for an African child which then makes African autonomy to be compromised. This comes after David Cameron last year claimed that he will withhold aid from those countries that are failing accept homosexuals’ human rights.
This has recently forced Zambia to accept homosexuals (Daily news 28/02/2012). Sometime last year Cameroon withdrew financial aid from Malawi amounting to $30 million after the country detained a couple of gays. Cameroon to these countries seem to be holding keys of development.   

It becomes a thorn in the flesh to the African political heroes like President Mugabe who is currently surrounded by the gay community, neighbours, friends and enemies. South Africa has already constitutionalised homosexuality; Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai (political rivalry) is also on record advocating for the constitutionalisation of homosexuality and now again Sata who seem to “tied” with President Mugabe has also allowed homos.

It’s hard for the president to understand this who is on record announcing that Zimbabwe will never be a colony again and even encouraging some of the African leaders to adhere to their principles despite of their economic status.

One of the things that African leaders are oblivion of , is the fact the power to denounce and announce re-colonisation lies upon them. During his birthday, President Mugabe vowed that he will never bow down before Sarkozy, David Cameroon and even Obama. President reiterated that once a leader bows down before the western countries automatically his people do the same.

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