Sunday 25 March 2012

Democracy still a pipe Dream in Zim

Conviction of six activists and the court charges has reflected Zimbabwe’s reluctance in the realization and implementation of democracy.
Gwisayi, the Law lecturer at University of Zimbabwe and other five were convicted and found guilty for watching videos of Egypt and Tunisia uprisings. The six are said to have been plotting an uprising against the regime of President Robert Mugabe (Newsday 21/03/2012).
The most disturbing thing is that these were convicted mainly for watching a video. This reflects lack of democracy. Under rational circumstances such videos are not  a problem since they educate the masses on human rights abuses.

To make matters worse these videos are everywhere in the world; they are found on the internet, YouTube, DVDs. If the government is really serious about suppressing these videos firstly it has to censor internet, conduct a national door by door search for these videos.
Obvious this is not feasible, in other words the action is really tantamount to the gross violation of human rights as the Prime Minister concurred in Newsday (21/032012).

If the government is really serious about the issue it has even to barn some of the DVDs or any materials that exhibits violence/ Human rights abuses like in films. I do believe if these guys were really serious about toppling the regime of President Mugabe they could have even used an ordinary street movie. This really shows that our political terrain is really rigid.  

1 comment:

  1. This makes people to rethink whether Democracy is utopian or realistic
