Sunday 11 March 2012

Mugabe and Tswangirai (google images)

MDC-T another form of ZANU-PF

MDC-T has been portrayed as the pro-democratic party both locally and internationally. From the face value it seems as if there is a demarcating boundary between ZANU_PF and MDC-T. MDC is ZANU-PF in new face (old wine in new skins). ZANU-PF has been portrayed as Human Rights abuser party however; this is one of the characteristics of MDC-T.
ZANU-PF is said to be corrupt, squandering state finances, “bloody party”. However, this is the real character of MDC.                                                     

§  MDC is advocating for the constitutionalisation of homosexuals of which the majority of Zimbabweans are not compatible with it. Therefore if the MDC fails to realize the cahiers of the majority then whose interest is it serving? By this it becomes a dictator.

§  MDC seem to be much more concerned about the plight of the Westerns at the expense of the locals. The party is always thrashing Land Reform programme and indigenisation terming it a ZANU PF beneficiary project.

§  Mini-war that broke in Chitungwidza was fuelled by both the parties (ZANU PF and MDC youths. However when being reported it appears as if ZANU-PF was causing chaos alone.

§  Corruption is haunting both the parties. Prime Minister is being implicated in relation to his new mansion. In ZANU-PF, Chombo is looting like no man’s business.

§  Both the parties are extravagant (spending sprees). President Robert Mugabe often flies to China and Singapore for medication. In MDC, Prime Minister often visits his “masters” in Britain, USA.

§  MDC hail sanctions. It’s comfortable to see Zimbabweans suffering. The idea might be of fixing the oppositional party but the “innocent” people always at the receiving end.

The bottom line is that MDC is not absolutely democratic and at the same time is not moving for the democratic change rather inheriting monopolistic strategies from ZANU PF


  1. Zanu PF and MDC should both be removed from the picture if both are not democratic enough to know that human rights should be respected.We need a new democratic party that knows what real democracy is

  2. realistically and practically, its the "lesser devil"
